
WoodPrix Instructions is the revolutionary program that will help you complete the wooden projects by following simple techniques and woodworking plan to make everything possible just by spending few minutes for having the best results in a faster way. You can skip the problems by following the simple step by step instruction to understand the concepts of building woodworking projects quickly. It will explain it to you with diagrams, important parts without confusing you.
The creator spent almost 40 years to collect the required information from the world’s comprehensive collections of woodworking, plans to make you feel comfortable to build the things that you want forever.
Just create stunning “professional woodworking projects” with the step-by-step instructions given in a blueprint to participate in 16,000 completed woodworking projects. Just read the simple steps that you should follow before doing it practically, and you will feel confident all the time. With the simple “hand holding” instructions, you can complete the wood project in very little time.
So wouldn't it be great if you could find thousands of fresh, easy woodworking project ideas all in one place? And what if every one of those great projects came with a complete set of blueprints, a listing of all the materials you would need and even the tools you will require to build it? I'm telling ya, you would feel like you had died and gone to heaven.
Well professional woodworker, educator and AWI member Ted "Woody" McGrath has spent the last 2 years putting together one of the most comprehensive woodworking projects package you can find. This package includes:
16,000+ woodworking projects plans
Detailed diagrams and blueprints for each project
Complete listing of ALL the materials you will need
All the woodworking tools you will require to build your project
Because WoodPrix is an educator, he knows how intimidating woodworking can be to the beginner. All of the projects in WoodPrix Woodworking have very clear step-by-step instructions that are very easy to follow. So even if you are a total newcomer to woodworking, you will be able to master all the skills and techniques needed just by following the clear and concise instructions that WoodPrix has laid out for you. Even a seasoned woodworking veteran can greatly benefit from the package WoodPrix has put together.
There were only a couple of items I could find even remotely wrong with WoodPrix Woodworking. Once in a while a project will be categorized incorrectly, but with over 16,000 projects and plans to keep organized it is understandable that a couple of projects will land in the wrong place. But overall the listings are very well organized. All of the projects can be found in one place in the member's area, and are very easy to get to, but depending on your internet connection, downloads can take a bit of time. But I also found in the member's area where you can upgrade to get all 16,000+ woodworking projects, plans and material listings sent to you on a DVD.
To make this product even more complete, WoodPrix is adding some awesome bonuses to his package. The bonus package alone is valued at over $300 and is awfully hard to beat.
WoodPrix's Woodworking bonus package includes a free "DWG/CAD Plan Viewer" worth a couple hundred dollars. Compare this to AutoCad 2009 at Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more and you just saved yourself almost $1000. You can edit, modify or even create your own woodworking plans with this amazing tool.
You also get a lifetime membership giving you access to over 150 premium videos on a wide array of woodworking topics by veteran woodworkers, and to top it all off you get the "Complete Woodworking Guides". Over 200 pages of solid, step by step advice, tips & tricks, detailed drawings, diagrams and color photos. WoodPrix Woodworking also comes with a 60 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
So here's the bottom line:
16,000+ woodworking projects plans
Detailed diagrams and blueprints for each project
Complete listing of ALL the materials you will need
All the woodworking tools you will require to build your project
Free DWG/CAD Plan Viewer
150+ premium instructional woodworking videos
"Complete Woodworking Guides" with over 200 pages of advice
60 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.